Terms of Use
Graceview Academy's website and social media pages are designed to be safe, welcoming, and informative platforms for all users. Please be aware that Graceview Academy does not endorse, nor is it responsible for, the accuracy of opinions, claims, advice, or other information shared by fans, commenters, or third parties on these pages.
We expect all users to engage maturely, act responsibly, and respect the rights and dignity of others in the community, adhering to the terms provided by social media platforms regarding posting guidelines. Note that Graceview Academy reserves the right to remove postings that are:
Abusive, defamatory, or obscene
Fraudulent, deceptive, or misleading
In violation of any intellectual property right of another
In violation of any law or regulation
Otherwise offensive in image or language
Individuals posting material that falls into these categories may be banned from participating in our platforms.
Graceview Academy is committed to your privacy and will not share your personal information without your consent. However, if you choose to post your personal information on these platforms, it becomes publicly accessible.
Graceview Academy also reserves the right to modify these terms and the content of its platforms at any time.